O Portal VirtuHab – Soluções Integradas

The VirtuHab Portal adds several subprojects, developed within the scope of the VirtuHab Research Group, with an interdisciplinary character, which is based on Labrestauro / MATEC:


– MATERIOTECA (initial funding of CONFEA and MEC/SESU), library where materials are identified, cataloged and life cycle analysis is elaborated showing the process of raw material extraction, manufacturing and use.

– CONSTRUTECA – use of materials in stages and constructive systems (initially of small size – Social Housings – HIS). The constructive alternatives are presented in tabs linked to the materials cataloged in MATERIOTECA. By clicking on the constructive element the cataloged options appear, from the foundations to the roof. The goal is  obtainning an integrated system where, in the records of the construction systems, the mentioned materials will have a link that will redirect to the data sheet of the material  and for analysis of the life cycle.

– PERIÓDICO MIX SUSTENTÁVEL – It is an interdisciplinary scientific journal that publishes research with the focus of sustainability applied in projects of architecture and urbanism, engineering and design.

 ENSUS – Encontro de Sustentabilidade em Projeto – National Conference that brings together researchers from the area. It covers the areas of applied social sciences (mainly architecture and design), exact and environmental sciences and engineering.

– Research of Scientific initiation, master’s and doctoral of the members of the  VIRTUHAB RESEARCH GROUP.

Other projects: PROJECT RESETTLEMENT (Funded by FAPESC), which presents technologies, construction systems and typologies for housing of social interest in resettlement.
PROJECT OF CONSTRUCTIVE SYSTEMS FOR  SOCIAL HOUSING, which has the objective of developing models and technologies for Housing.

Feel free to know our projects.

Sustainability is currently a subject widely discussed in both the academic and industrial settings. The three main dimensions of sustainability, defined by Librelotto’s (2005) ESA model, have been highlighted, after the definition of the guidelines of the so-called eco-design and the need for responsible action by companies, community and governments in the social and environmental spheres, without disregarding the economic implications of this fact.

Although society is striving to incorporate sustainability in its actions, this subject is studied by several researches, leading to an exponential increase in the levels of knowledge generated that are incompatible with each other or with all the precepts of sustainability.

VIRTUHAB is an Internet portal created to present research and extension projects developed with the theme of sustainability, with the main focus being on construction and product development in constructive systems and materials. The portal was originally provided at the http://sites.google.com/site/virtuhab and was migrated to http://portalvirtuhab.paginas.ufsc.br/, both available for access and constantly updated.

Lisiane Ilha Librelotto e Paulo César Machado Ferroli